8 Easy Ways to Incorporate Functional Nutrition Habits

Eat 5-10 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Per Day

  • Yes, you read that correctly. 5-10 servings or cups of fruits and vegetables are ideal for our bodies. Why?:

    • Fiber →  supports regular bowel movements

    • Prebiotics → fruits and vegetables feed the good bacteria in your gut!

    • Phytonutrients/antioxidants → fruits and vegetables are the holy grail for these! Phytonutrients and antioxidants combat against free radicals that can cause damage and inflammation in the body. These compounds help to reduce risk of developing chronic disease like cancers

Omega 3 Fats Daily

  • Did you know that your brain is composed of fat? In fact, the only polyunsaturated fatty acids allowed into the healthy brain in any appreciable amount are the omega-3 DHA fats. We can’t make omega 3’s on our own so we need to get them from outside sources such as wild caught salmon, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. Omega 3’s are vital for brain health, of course. In addition, they decrease inflammation in the body. 

    • Omega 3’s are also supportive in healing the gut lining for anyone struggling with leaky gut. 

    • If you find that you aren’t getting the recommended serving of wild caught fish every week, consider taking an omega 3 supplement daily. 

Limit Consumption of Alcohol

  • Alcohol is a toxic substance that is not meant to be consumed -- therefore, when we do drink it, it can throw the body out of balance. Alcohol actually impacts the liver's detoxification process of the body. If we aren’t detoxifying things properly, it can lead to other issues such as brain fog, anxiety, leaky gut, fatigue, irregular bowel movements, reduced clearance of hormones. Reduce your consumption to 2 no more than 2 drinks per day.

Avoid Food Treated with or Containing Pesticides/Herbicides/Plasticizers/Antibiotics/Xenoestrogen

  • Food treated with pesticides also contain chemicals that our body will treat as a foreign substance. The Environmental Protection Agency says agricultural pesticide exposure is tied to asthma, bronchitis, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Parkinson’s disease, and prostate and lung cancers. 

  • Pesticide exposure is also known to disrupt our endocrine system -- which is composed of the hormones in our bodies and the glands that make them. This can contribute to some cancers and other health problems. 

  • Buy organic when possible -- if this isn’t an option for you try to buy organic from the dirty dozen list and non-organic from the clean 15.  

Include at least 1 serving of cruciferous vegetables every day

  • Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and red cabbage contain amazing plant compounds that support your body in a number of ways

    • Goiterans → compounds in cruciferous vegetables that suppress thyroid function.

    • Sulfur rich → this group of food actually supports the detoxification process of your liver. 

    • Polyphenols/phytonutrients → these vegetables are high in polyphenols and antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body. 

Optimize Foods Rich in Selenium and Zinc

  • Zinc and selenium are important for thyroid function. Keeping your thyroid happy, keeps your hormones happy which ensures your whole body is in balance. Did you know that you can get a sufficient amount of selenium from just 5 brazil nuts a day? 

Aim for 30 Grams of Fiber per Day

  • You can achieve this by ensuring you get your 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day and your serving of cruciferous vegetables. The benefits of fiber are explained in the first bullet. 

Choose Animal Proteins That are Organic, Grass-Fed, and GMO Free

  • You are what you eat AND what they eat as well! Animal proteins that are organic and grass-fed contain a higher amount of vitamins and minerals. This is because the animal is allowed to graze and move around freely. 

These lifestyle habits don’t always come naturally to people. Work 1:1 with our functional medicine dietitians to find your balance of these recommendations in your life!


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